Soma Track Frame Soma Bar On SE Draft Will It Fit?

Soma bar on SE draft will it fit? - soma track frame

If Soma Track Bar ... Megaphone or adaptation Soma on the draft SE 2008 Mother?

If the mother did not buy it, to keep in shape?

Had I Megaphone (my old bike when I bought it to save) and using the title bar that had to be cut and a little bit, but you can get your sleeves and go the extra mile (as the price difference is not correct to say) if I have a mother, so I go with the track bar and the use of the additional $ 10 to the stem.

Please help me understand this.
I'm all confused --


bikework... said...

You need to measure the diameter of the rods in the Middle Ages. This is the size you need. Your bar could be the size indicated on somwehere.

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