More Stuff On Whooping Cough I Might Have Whooping Cough?

I might have whooping cough? - more stuff on whooping cough

Then yesterday, the school sent a letter home to tell someone) pertussis (whooping cough. I had a sore throat, but was not much, I thought. This morning I woke up and felt a little mucus in the throat area. And if I touch my left ear, this type of pain. Probably not, consult a physician for at least the next two weeks. Also I'm 14, so I had to get my point.

I did a little research and discovered that there is no cure, for which only partially protected by the vaccine would have milder symptoms.

Am I still protected in part by the vaccine?
Do I have whooping cough?
Is it possible to make it better?


MrKnowIt... said...

If your shots when you very unlikely that pertussis?

Most healthy people back on their own, even before the vaccine.

If you really think you have, you should consult a doctor before


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