Dyslexia Statistics Per Country Statistics/Probablity Help! (Bayes Theorem)?

Statistics/Probablity Help! (Bayes Theorem)? - dyslexia statistics per country

The question:

Let us assume that the probability of a proactive, 1st Probablility Let us assume further that a sighted person with dyslexia .05 and the probability that a person who is not identified dislexic .025 (1 / 2 chance). What is the probability that a person with dyslexia THT?

Here's another question, which I Stumpp statistics ... I know the answer, 18 but when I have the Bayes theorem, I'm not the right answer! I am so with the two questions I posted frustrated ... Would be step by step, would be greatly appreciated ... Thank you!


Merlyn said...

Two events A and B, where P (B) ≠ 0, the conditional probability:

P (A | B) = P (A ∩ B) / P (B) = P (B | A) * P (A) / P (B)

It reads as follows: Since the probability of AB is equal to the probability that A and B, divided by the probability of B.

Bayes rule is the definition of conditional probability derived. I do not want to remember the phrase specifically because I know that two stages can lead to the conditional probability.

know that this problem

Let F = farsighted; ~ F = not a visionary
Let D = dyslexic, ~ D = Non-dyslexics

P (F) = 0.1
P (D | F) = 0.05
P (D | ~ F) = 0.025

Find P (F | D)

(PF | D) = P (D | F) * P (F) / P (D)

Using the law to find the total probability P (D)

P (D) = P (D | F) * P (F) + P (D | ~ F) * P (~ F)
P (D) = 0.05 * 0.10 + 0.025 * (1 - 0.1)
P (D) = 0.0275

(PF | D) = P (D | F) * P (F) / P (D)
P (F | D) = 0.05 * 0.1 / 0.0275
P (F | D) = 0.1818182

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